AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Jupiter . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Jupiter in the Second House    2nd hs

Jupiter in Aries   

Mercury Opposition Jupiter   

Venus Opposition Jupiter   

Jupiter Trine Neptune   

Jupiter Trine Uranus   


Jupiter in the Second House    2nd hs

You are likely to collect material possessions beyond your practical needs, because they signify security and protection to you. And the more insecure you feel, the more extreme this trait will become. But if you feel secure and confident about yourself, this will not be so much of a problem, and in fact, you will share your possessions with others and give generously to those who need it.

You will arrange to get whatever will give you the most opportunities to live more elegantly and to expand the world in which you live. When you are older you may work to earn a lot of money so you can travel and get to know a great many people in as many different places as possible.

On the other hand, you may spend money recklessly to get what you want for some particular purpose, since the only value of money, to you, is what you can do with it. All you can count on with this placement is that however you handle your money, you will do it in a big way.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Jupiter in a horoscope

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Jupiter in Aries   

You will grow by finding out who you are, being yourself and letting all of your latent talents and possibilities come into being.

By doing everything in your own way, you are able to show others the way. In the process you will develop enormous self-confidence, justifiable pride and the ability to stand alone against all odds when necessary.

On the other hand, if you deny your needs for individual fulfillment, because of inhibitions or pressure from other people, you will begin to feel that it is you against the world. You would be forced to assert yourself and fulfill your needs at the expense of fulfilling your obligations to others.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

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Mercury Opposition Jupiter   

This aspect can indicate that you have a very good mind, but in order to get the most out of it, you will have to work out some problems.

First of all, you need to be disciplined. Otherwise you may make up your mind hastily, without knowing all the facts. You may tend to be sloppy in your thinking as well as in your personal habits. You often see only the general pattern of what's happening around you, without being aware of the details. Because of this, you tend to be very uncritical, both for good and for bad; you are very tolerant and accepting of people, but you do not judge persons or situations carefully enough. Basically you are positive and optimistic, but do not be foolish about it.

Sometimes this aspect means that you have many disagreements with others. Usually you allow everyone to have their own opinion, but your impulsiveness in making decisions works against that. Always keep an open mind.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Venus Opposition Jupiter   

You really enjoy the good life and the company of others. This aspect usually indicates that people like you, because you are so positive, optimistic and cheerful. Also you are willing to share whatever you have with others. In a difficult situation, you tend to choose the pleasant way out rather than the best way.

The only thing that stands between you and total success in life is the need to be more disciplined and restrained. You have the ability to handle people well, if you choose, and you can make yourself liked.

This aspect also means that you are warm and affectionate to those you like, but you do not want to be tied down by anyone.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Jupiter Trine Neptune   

With this aspect you are likely to be very interested in religion, metaphysics and spiritual matters. Youwant to know about God, the relation of man to God, and what God means to you in particular. You use your own language and your own imagery in thinking about this, but you are definitely concerned with these ideas quite early in life.

Many people with this aspect are quite unselfish. You are able to see that what benefits others benefits you as well. You may become involved in charitable projects, such as taking care of sick, disabled or disadvantaged people. Or you may enjoy taking care of sick or wounded animals.

Basically you are an optimist. You recognize that the world has its faults, but you feel that on the whole it is all right.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Jupiter Trine Uranus   

You love freedom and you want to see everyone get a fair break. If you believe that someone is not getting a fair deal, you will work very hard to help them and fight for their rights. You are also a questioner, always wanting to know why a situation is as it is, especially concerning rules and laws. All your life you will be eager to have new and fascinating experiences, see new places and encounter new ideas.

You are tolerant and are willing to let everyone believe what they wish. You like to be around people who are different from you, and in fact you are attracted by their differences. All your life you will be attracted to exciting people and situations because they make you feel more alive and interesting.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on the Sun . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Sun in the Eighth House    8th hs

Sun in Libra   

Sun Square Neptune   

Sun Square Moon   

Sun Trine Ascendant   


Sun in the Eighth House    8th hs

A serious person, you know that you will have to go through many important changes as you grow. You are attracted to mysteries and to finding out about the deepest aspects of life.

While you are young you may not be able to distinguish between what is yours and what belongs to others. As an adult, however, you will probably make a career of handling other people's property or money; if you learned the lessons of your youth, you will be unusually responsible about handling possessions - yours as well as others'.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of the Sun in a horoscope

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Sun in Libra   

You are warm and affectionate, and you enjoy being with people. Yet you are not retiring, in fact, you are quite strong willed and often the person in a group who makes things happen.

You like beautiful things and dislike anything ugly. Your love of beauty does not apply just to yourself. You prefer attractive homes and furnishings, pleasant scenery, and even art and music, in which your tastes may be unusually well developed.

Very often when you have to make a decision, you have great difficulty making up your mind. This is because you see both sides very clearly, and it is hard to choose between them. Your ability to see both sides makes you a very good peacemaker when other people are having an argument, for you can make them see both views also.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Sun Square Neptune   

You may be subject to feelings of inferiority and self-doubt, even when they are not justified. You must learn that, in your own way, you are as good as anyone else. There is no need for you to be so shy and self-deprecating.

You pick up impressions from other people very easily. Being indecisive is a problem that you must overcome. Don't worry so much about taking the wrong direction when you have to make a decision.

It is important to take good care of your health, because you are likely to be very sensitive to certain substances and subject to allergies and minor infections. Avoid drugs and all medications, unless absolutely necessary.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Sun Square Moon   

This aspect is often a sign of inner emotional conflict, which is not all bad, however. You have the capacity to challenge yourself from within, to question and examine yourself. Thus, as you go through life and meet various challenges, you will be used to the idea of making changes. In fact in a real sense you will never stand still, but must constantly evolve and grow.

You attract partners or lovers who symbolize the side of your personality that you are less aware of. As a result the people you attract may seem to not accept you as you are. The real problem is your lack of self-acceptance, however. And this is the lesson you will face throughout life - to accept yourself.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Sun Trine Ascendant   

As you get older, you will develop considerable self-confidence and a need to live exactly as you want. You also have a strong desire to perform in front of others, perhaps just as a show-off or as an actor or performer in games or other situations that demonstrate your talents. You see little reason to do anything you don't enjoy.

You have pride and a sense of your own worth, which will be seen and respected by others if you deal with them fairly, as you probably will. You are usually honest because you feel that the direct approach to people and situations is best.

You want to understand on a grand scale, but you may not be so clear about the details.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


AstroClick® Portrait

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AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Mars . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Mars in the Seventh House    7th hs

Mars in Virgo   

Mars Square Uranus   

Mars Square Saturn   

Mars Sextile Midheaven   


Mars in the Seventh House    7th hs

If you want to get along with people, you will have to learn how to make compromises. You tend to want your own way all the time, which causes disagreements and even fights.

Try not to always see yourself in opposition to others. If you really feel that you have to give up more than you get when you cooperate with another, it would be better to work alone.

If you enjoy working with someone you can work harder than almost anyone else. As long as you believe that you can accomplish your objectives through cooperating, you will certainly succeed.

It is important to learn these lessons now, because otherwise this placement could indicate a difficult marriage, because you cannot cooperate well enough to create a real partnership.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Mars in a horoscope

AstroClick® Portrait

Mars in Virgo   

You are careful about what you do, because you feel that every action should be considered thoroughly and every move should have some purpose.

You will learn quite quickly to do the tasks that have to be done before getting into the activities you enjoy. And you will demand that others do the same, for you dislike irresponsibility in others as well as in yourself.

But try not to be too critical of others. Try to be more tolerant of other people's ways, and don't be so sure that your own notion of perfection is the only one. Others have their own ways of achieving, just as you do.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

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Mars Square Uranus   

The lesson you must learn is to act more cautiously with better planning. You tend to go off half-cocked and to act rashly and without thinking.You feel that you have to be yourself, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if you always react negatively to pressures from others, you will be as much at their mercy as if you always did what they wanted you to do.

You have a great need for excitement and are quickly bored by activities that become routine. You will fight when you have to, and even sometimes just for the love of it. You don't have to be what others want you to be; there is plenty of room for rebels in this society.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mars Square Saturn   

With this aspect, life seems hard and unloving to you. And the danger is that you will gradually become hard and unloving toward others. If your family, especially your father, does not give you enough emotional support, you will eventually come to believe that no one else deserves a better break than you got.

Often when you have a burst of energy that makes you want to go forward, something seems to hold you back. That is very frustrating, but what it really means is that you have to be very thoroughly prepared in anything you do.

Anger and irritation are often a problem with this aspect. Be careful that you do not let your anger build up so far that it takes over.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mars Sextile Midheaven   

You are very independent and self-reliant, but you are able to balance your own energies with other people's and work in a group, as long as you know what you personally will get out of the effort.

You may express your will in subtle ways, but you do express it. You will learn very early in life how to capitalize on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Purpose is very important in your life. You do not like to do anything that doesn't fit into some higher scheme relating to your long-range plans.

Your relationships with your father and with other male authority figures should be quite good. They will teach you to stand up for yourself and be your own person.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.


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AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Venus . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Venus in the Eighth House    8th hs

Venus in Libra   

Venus Opposition Jupiter   

Moon Square Venus   

Venus Trine Ascendant   

Venus Sextile Uranus   

Venus Sextile Saturn   


Venus in the Eighth House    8th hs

You enjoy your senses, and you want to experience the world as vividly and totally as possible. You seem to be looking for a hidden dimension of the world that will transform your life completely. Often you will seek this dimension through relationships with others, which will be very intense and full of feeling.

Be careful not to be too possessive of your friends. Also, you shouldn't choose your friends according to the advantages you will gain from their friendship.

While you are young, you should begin to take care of your health by not eating or drinking too much and by getting plenty of physical exercise.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Venus in a horoscope

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Venus in Libra   

You are a friendly, outgoing person who likes to have fun with others. You don't like to be alone, because you feel lonely very easily. Fortunately, people usually like you, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding company. In your efforts to get someone to like you, you should be yourself, not what you think the other person is looking for.

You like beautiful, graceful objects and fine clothing.

You may not enjoy doing hard work. But you will have to overcome this as you grow older, because everyone has to meet life's demands. You may try to get others to do your dirty work for you, but this would be a poor use of this energy. Instead, use your talent to make life beautiful for yourself and the people around you.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

AstroClick® Portrait

Venus Opposition Jupiter   

You really enjoy the good life and the company of others. This aspect usually indicates that people like you, because you are so positive, optimistic and cheerful. Also you are willing to share whatever you have with others. In a difficult situation, you tend to choose the pleasant way out rather than the best way.

The only thing that stands between you and total success in life is the need to be more disciplined and restrained. You have the ability to handle people well, if you choose, and you can make yourself liked.

This aspect also means that you are warm and affectionate to those you like, but you do not want to be tied down by anyone.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Moon Square Venus   

You need affection very much, and you will go out of your way to get it. By being very friendly and charming, you make others like you, but if you do this too much, you will not develop a very strong character. You must learn that your merits and flaws exist independently of what others see in you. You are not the product of what other people see, but of your own inner energies.

On the other hand, part of you is really very loving, affectionate and kind. You can make the people around you feel very good. If you take the trouble to develop your inner character, people will like you for what you really are. You will also have to develop some self-discipline about giving in to all your desires for pleasure. You could damage your health by drinking and eating for pleasure without considering good nutrition.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

AstroClick® Portrait

Venus Trine Ascendant   

You should get along well with others, for you make them feel good about you also. All your life, you should be very popular.

You may also have some artistic talent. Certainly you will have a great appreciation of beauty and will always want to be surrounded by beautiful objects.

Your attitude toward life is gentle and peaceful. You like to know that everyone is getting along pleasantly. You hate conflict and cannot see that very much good ever comes from it.However, at times you will have to stand up for your own views, and you should be prepared to do so. Don't compromise on what you believe in strongly.

By and large, life will probably seem easy to you, as long as you do not take the easiness for granted. If you can experience everything around you as beautiful and appreciate what you have, yours will be a very happy life.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Venus Sextile Uranus   

You like to be with interesting people, and some of your friends may be quite unusual. You need to find friends who fill your own unique needs and you also need to be free in your relationships.

You are not possessive of your friends. In fact, you enjoy having your friends around, because you like being with many different types of people. You don't demand that people pay constant attention to you, and you won't let anyone else demand your constant attention.

You may have unusual creative powers also, although this aspect by itself does not indicate artistic ability. However, if you are creative, your designs will be unusual in style and form.

Your relations with partners will also be unconventional, for you will insist on freedom to create unique relationships. If you have the courage to act out your own style in relationships, they should be quite happy ones.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

AstroClick® Portrait

Venus Sextile Saturn   

You may not have a great many friends, but the ones you do have will be reliable and long-lasting. You are willing to give up some excitement in your relationships for the sake of having friends whom you can count upon. Sometimes, in fact, you are so serious that you find it hard to let go and have a good time.

You are not as outwardly affectionate as others, but you are reliable and steady in your feelings. When you are older, you will probably have only a few love relationships, but those few will be enduring and dependable. Here again you will choose people you can trust, who will always be there when you need them. And you will be just as loyal to your partner.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Mercury . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Mercury in the Eighth House    8th hs

also: Mercury in the Ninth House    9th hs

Mercury in Scorpio   

Mercury Conjunct Pluto   

Mercury Opposition Jupiter   

Mercury Square Ascendant   

Mercury Sextile Neptune   


Mercury in the Eighth House    8th hs

You have a deep and inquiring mind and are fascinated by mysteries of all kinds. While you are young you may enjoy reading detective stories and tales of the supernatural. You like to think of the world as deeper and more mysterious than the world described in science courses.

As an adult, you will study the hidden aspects of human nature, which will make you a natural psychologist, whether or not you study psychology in school. You are fascinated by mysteries in people as much as any other kind.

You may not say much, for you are a quiet person, and when you do speak up, you don't say everything that is on your mind. Very early in life you may have found that others don't always understand what you say, so you tend to keep quiet.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Mercury in a horoscope

Mercury is located near the end of the eighth house and is therefore also interpreted in the ninth house.

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Mercury in the Ninth House    9th hs

You are very interested in learning more about the world, especially about foreign places and people. You would like to travel all over the globe and see everything there is to see.

The many subjects you are interested in should help you in school, although you are very impatient with studying any subject that doesn't seem important to you.

You think about everything you study very reasonably, because you want it to make good logical sense. This is a good approach, which is unusual in a young person.

As you get older you may do some writing or work in some area of publishing. Communicating the ideas that are important to you will play a large role in your life. You consider your thoughts important, and you want others to know them.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Mercury in a horoscope

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Mercury in Scorpio   

You like to get to the bottom of every problem and are fascinated by mysteries and unanswered questions. To you, searching for answers is almost more interesting than the answers themselves. A born investigator, you may be interested in solving crimes and detective work.

When you are angry, you can speak very forcefully, but if you are not careful, your words may hurt someone's feelings. At least you are forthright and say what you mean.

Your sense of humor is rather sharp. When you see someone pretending to be more than he or she is, you are likely to make sarcastic and biting remarks.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

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Mercury Conjunct Pluto   

You have a great deal of curiosity and want to solve every mystery that comes along. You will work patiently to get an answer, often going off by yourself until you have solved the problem. This makes you a born investigator.

Another side of this aspect is that you may be very stubborn about your own beliefs and also try very hard to make others agree with you. You have very strong opinions, and you hate to have people challenge them.

You are a natural psychologist in your understanding of human nature. You might even become a psychologist. You love finding out what makes people tick, and you can put that knowledge to good use.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

AstroClick® Portrait

Mercury Opposition Jupiter   

This aspect can indicate that you have a very good mind, but in order to get the most out of it, you will have to work out some problems.

First of all, you need to be disciplined. Otherwise you may make up your mind hastily, without knowing all the facts. You may tend to be sloppy in your thinking as well as in your personal habits. You often see only the general pattern of what's happening around you, without being aware of the details. Because of this, you tend to be very uncritical, both for good and for bad; you are very tolerant and accepting of people, but you do not judge persons or situations carefully enough. Basically you are positive and optimistic, but do not be foolish about it.

Sometimes this aspect means that you have many disagreements with others. Usually you allow everyone to have their own opinion, but your impulsiveness in making decisions works against that. Always keep an open mind.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mercury Square Ascendant   

This aspect indicates that you have an active mind, and you enjoy talking about ideas with people and sharing their thinking. But you may find it difficult to reach agreements with others, because you state your own opinions so energetically, even forcibly, that you put people off. You must learn to control the way you express yourself somewhat.

Try to avoid talking simply for the sake of talk, and avoid gossip and rumor. These may seem entertaining, but they can work against your friendships. What you think of as light fun may be very serious to others.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mercury Sextile Neptune   

This aspect usually means that you have a very creative imagination and a great deal of sensitivity. You are able to see ideas in your head in such a way that they become real to you. This ability is very useful in art or crafts that depend on original design, or in writing.

When talking with others, you add something extra to the conversation that makes your world seem more interesting and exciting to them and to you. You bring out the beauty that exists in the world, making it easier for you and others to put up with the unpleasant aspects of life.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Saturn . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Saturn in the Tenth House    10th hs

Saturn in Sagittarius   

Saturn Conjunct Uranus   

Mars Square Saturn   

Venus Sextile Saturn   

Saturn Sextile Ascendant   


Saturn in the Tenth House    10th hs

Even while you are young, you are very concerned about what is important in the greater world. You want to understand the meaning of the world and find out how to make your mark upon it. Even now you recognize the need for hard work and careful planning to find a career that will be satisfying to you and gain respect from others.

It is very important that you have a good relationship with your father. Otherwise you may grow up feeling very insecure and believing that the world is against you.

When you do grow up, you will work very hard in any career that you choose. If you do not succeed, it may be because of some carelessness. Above all, do not take any shortcuts. Do your work as best you can to prepare for your future, and follow the rules that apply to what you are doing.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Saturn in a horoscope

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Saturn in Sagittarius   

This placement indicates that you approach new experiences and new knowledge with care and interest. Throughout your life you will hesitate to accept a new idea until you have become very thoroughly acquainted with it and really feel that you understand it.

In many areas of life you are quite conservative, believing in principles that have been proven over a long time.

You have strong ideals, to be sure, but you won't let yourself be carried away by them. You always look for ways to put your beliefs and ideals into practice. When you formulate a belief or an ideal, you find it very easy to put it into practice.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

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Saturn Conjunct Uranus   

This aspect signifies a heavy internal tension that can have both creative and difficult results. At its most difficult, it may make you feel restless and irritable, not knowing whether to go forward or backward. This in turn creates tension, and you try to get away from whatever is causing the conflict.

If you can keep this tension within reasonable limits, it can make you very alert and attentive to any task that you are involved in. And because you can hold in your tenseness, you can persist in the face of difficulty longer than most people and thereby get a lot done.

Also you are able to maintain a balance between caution and change in your life. You can go through very major changes in a careful and orderly manner without blowing everything apart.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mars Square Saturn   

With this aspect, life seems hard and unloving to you. And the danger is that you will gradually become hard and unloving toward others. If your family, especially your father, does not give you enough emotional support, you will eventually come to believe that no one else deserves a better break than you got.

Often when you have a burst of energy that makes you want to go forward, something seems to hold you back. That is very frustrating, but what it really means is that you have to be very thoroughly prepared in anything you do.

Anger and irritation are often a problem with this aspect. Be careful that you do not let your anger build up so far that it takes over.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

AstroClick® Portrait

Venus Sextile Saturn   

You may not have a great many friends, but the ones you do have will be reliable and long-lasting. You are willing to give up some excitement in your relationships for the sake of having friends whom you can count upon. Sometimes, in fact, you are so serious that you find it hard to let go and have a good time.

You are not as outwardly affectionate as others, but you are reliable and steady in your feelings. When you are older, you will probably have only a few love relationships, but those few will be enduring and dependable. Here again you will choose people you can trust, who will always be there when you need them. And you will be just as loyal to your partner.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Saturn Sextile Ascendant   

This aspect suggests that early in life you will develop a more serious temperament than most young people and that you will learn to handle responsibility sooner than most.

You may not have a lot of friends, but the ones you do have will be as reliable and loyal to you as you are to them.

You may not feel very comfortable in a group, preferring to deal with people on a one-to- one basis, so that you and the other person can have each other's complete attention.

Your hopes for life are practical, for you see no point in trying to live up to impossibly high standards that inevitably mean failure. So you set realistic goals that you know you can attain.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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AstroClick® Portrait

Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Uranus . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Uranus in the Eleventh House    11th hs

Uranus in Sagittarius   

Saturn Conjunct Uranus   

Mars Square Uranus   

Jupiter Trine Uranus   

Venus Sextile Uranus   


Uranus in the Eleventh House    11th hs

Even if you are a conventional person, you are likely to have very unconventional friends and to associate with groups that are considered offbeat.

Your choice of friends reflects the fact that you don't want to be held in by conventional viewpoints and ideals. Nor do you want to be friends with people who try to limit you or make great emotional demands in the name of friendship.

Your friends, through their unusualness, will probably show you different views of life than you would otherwise have, and you may make some really startling discoveries about the world through your friends.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Uranus in a horoscope

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Uranus in Sagittarius   

These children are strongly attracted to new philosophies and will question all accepted traditions and ideals. They are interested in new and innovative ideas rather than the tried and true, feeling that the past has outlived its usefulness. They have a strong drive to be free and may be quite eccentric. If the current interest in new religious sects and cults continues, these people are likely to be very much involved in them and will change them tremendously.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

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Saturn Conjunct Uranus   

This aspect signifies a heavy internal tension that can have both creative and difficult results. At its most difficult, it may make you feel restless and irritable, not knowing whether to go forward or backward. This in turn creates tension, and you try to get away from whatever is causing the conflict.

If you can keep this tension within reasonable limits, it can make you very alert and attentive to any task that you are involved in. And because you can hold in your tenseness, you can persist in the face of difficulty longer than most people and thereby get a lot done.

Also you are able to maintain a balance between caution and change in your life. You can go through very major changes in a careful and orderly manner without blowing everything apart.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mars Square Uranus   

The lesson you must learn is to act more cautiously with better planning. You tend to go off half-cocked and to act rashly and without thinking.You feel that you have to be yourself, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if you always react negatively to pressures from others, you will be as much at their mercy as if you always did what they wanted you to do.

You have a great need for excitement and are quickly bored by activities that become routine. You will fight when you have to, and even sometimes just for the love of it. You don't have to be what others want you to be; there is plenty of room for rebels in this society.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Jupiter Trine Uranus   

You love freedom and you want to see everyone get a fair break. If you believe that someone is not getting a fair deal, you will work very hard to help them and fight for their rights. You are also a questioner, always wanting to know why a situation is as it is, especially concerning rules and laws. All your life you will be eager to have new and fascinating experiences, see new places and encounter new ideas.

You are tolerant and are willing to let everyone believe what they wish. You like to be around people who are different from you, and in fact you are attracted by their differences. All your life you will be attracted to exciting people and situations because they make you feel more alive and interesting.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Venus Sextile Uranus   

You like to be with interesting people, and some of your friends may be quite unusual. You need to find friends who fill your own unique needs and you also need to be free in your relationships.

You are not possessive of your friends. In fact, you enjoy having your friends around, because you like being with many different types of people. You don't demand that people pay constant attention to you, and you won't let anyone else demand your constant attention.

You may have unusual creative powers also, although this aspect by itself does not indicate artistic ability. However, if you are creative, your designs will be unusual in style and form.

Your relations with partners will also be unconventional, for you will insist on freedom to create unique relationships. If you have the courage to act out your own style in relationships, they should be quite happy ones.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on Neptune . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Neptune in the Eleventh House    11th hs

Neptune in Capricorn   

Moon Conjunct Neptune   

Sun Square Neptune   

Jupiter Trine Neptune   

Mercury Sextile Neptune   

Neptune Sextile Pluto   


Neptune in the Eleventh House    11th hs

This position requires a certain amount of care, because you are likely to have many unrealistic ideas about your friends. You may expect them to be more perfect than they possibly can be, to be without human flaws.

On the other hand, you may attract friends who are very sympathetic and unselfish, people whom you can lean on in times of trouble. Under any circumstances that is something you would like to do.

You are very idealistic about your goals, and you like to be with groups of people who feel the same way.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of Neptune in a horoscope

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Neptune in Capricorn   

This generation should represent quite a reaction against the previous one. These children will probably idealize work, thrift, practical considerations and duty rather than the more abstract, spiritual ideals of the generation before them. However, their idealization of such practical virtues does not mean that they will be very effective in dealing with them. In fact these principles may deteriorate considerably, simply because this generation does not deal with them in their daily lives but only in their minds and dreams.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

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Moon Conjunct Neptune   

You are very sensitive to the emotions of the people you are with. You pick up their moods and make them your own, so it is very important to be with people who are good for you emotionally.

You are a dreamer and not very practical, preferring to sit by yourself and play in your private fantasy world. Your vivid imagination makes these daydreams quite real to you. But you should be careful not to retreat into your little world every time you want to avoid the problems of the real world.

On the other hand, you can be very sensitive to other people's needs. You can put yourself into someone else's shoes and understand how that person feels, which makes you very reluctant to cause pain to anyone.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Sun Square Neptune   

You may be subject to feelings of inferiority and self-doubt, even when they are not justified. You must learn that, in your own way, you are as good as anyone else. There is no need for you to be so shy and self-deprecating.

You pick up impressions from other people very easily. Being indecisive is a problem that you must overcome. Don't worry so much about taking the wrong direction when you have to make a decision.

It is important to take good care of your health, because you are likely to be very sensitive to certain substances and subject to allergies and minor infections. Avoid drugs and all medications, unless absolutely necessary.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Jupiter Trine Neptune   

With this aspect you are likely to be very interested in religion, metaphysics and spiritual matters. Youwant to know about God, the relation of man to God, and what God means to you in particular. You use your own language and your own imagery in thinking about this, but you are definitely concerned with these ideas quite early in life.

Many people with this aspect are quite unselfish. You are able to see that what benefits others benefits you as well. You may become involved in charitable projects, such as taking care of sick, disabled or disadvantaged people. Or you may enjoy taking care of sick or wounded animals.

Basically you are an optimist. You recognize that the world has its faults, but you feel that on the whole it is all right.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Mercury Sextile Neptune   

This aspect usually means that you have a very creative imagination and a great deal of sensitivity. You are able to see ideas in your head in such a way that they become real to you. This ability is very useful in art or crafts that depend on original design, or in writing.

When talking with others, you add something extra to the conversation that makes your world seem more interesting and exciting to them and to you. You bring out the beauty that exists in the world, making it easier for you and others to put up with the unpleasant aspects of life.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Neptune Sextile Pluto   

This aspect lasted extremely long. It started in the late 1940s and continues beyond the end of the twentieth century. Therefore, a lot of children were born under this influence, and it is hard to separate its effects from other elements and indications. During this time a lot of beliefs, religious or otherwise, underwent extraordinary changes. Attitudes about organized religion, morality and sexuality were revised completely. The children of this time will probably know the cycles of life better than others. They will realize that it is a natural part of life that everything must die and decay, to be reborn again at another level. This is especially true for inner and spiritual developments but also for their concern about social and human relations.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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Limits and Possibilities

Chart Info

You have clicked on the Moon . Read about its position by sign, house, and aspect:

Moon in the Eleventh House    11th hs

also: Moon in the Twelfth House    12th hs

Moon in Capricorn   

Moon Conjunct Neptune   

Sun Square Moon   

Moon Square Venus   

Moon Sextile Pluto   


Moon in the Eleventh House    11th hs

You have a strong need for friends who support you in whatever you do and who make you feel better about yourself.

Your moods will have a strong effect on the course of your friendships. But be careful not to act inconsistently toward your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them.

The goals you set for your life will be enormously influenced by the attitudes you have learned while you are young. Be careful not to get too set in your beliefs, because that could prevent you from taking advantage of opportunities when you are older.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of the Moon in a horoscope

The Moon is located near the end of the eleventh house and is therefore also interpreted in the twelfth house.

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Moon in the Twelfth House    12th hs

You are rather unwilling to talk about your feelings with others, because you feel that they won't understand you or won't think well of you. Often you feel that no one should see the real you, but that is not true.

You have a great need for emotional security, but you often feel you won't get it. But even though it is difficult for you to trust people on an emotional level, you do like to help others. You may pretend that you are not really generous and helpful, but in fact you are.

Often this position means that you like to fantasize and daydream.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

The meaning of the Moon in a horoscope

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Moon in Capricorn   

You are serious and somewhat shy. You like to achieve and get work done, because it makes you feel good to know that you have done something worthwhile.

However, you are somewhat uncomfortable with your feelings. They almost seem out of place inside you, a source of difficulty instead of pleasure. You don't show your loving feelings very readily, but you need love as much as anyone else.

You are very practical and ambitious. When you are older, you will want to have an important position in the world, and you will work hard to get it.

This is one of the lessons you must learn: Not to be so hard on yourself.

Remember that your needs for comfort, security and love are real needs, and you will not be really happy if you always deny them.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Moon Conjunct Neptune   

You are very sensitive to the emotions of the people you are with. You pick up their moods and make them your own, so it is very important to be with people who are good for you emotionally.

You are a dreamer and not very practical, preferring to sit by yourself and play in your private fantasy world. Your vivid imagination makes these daydreams quite real to you. But you should be careful not to retreat into your little world every time you want to avoid the problems of the real world.

On the other hand, you can be very sensitive to other people's needs. You can put yourself into someone else's shoes and understand how that person feels, which makes you very reluctant to cause pain to anyone.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Sun Square Moon   

This aspect is often a sign of inner emotional conflict, which is not all bad, however. You have the capacity to challenge yourself from within, to question and examine yourself. Thus, as you go through life and meet various challenges, you will be used to the idea of making changes. In fact in a real sense you will never stand still, but must constantly evolve and grow.

You attract partners or lovers who symbolize the side of your personality that you are less aware of. As a result the people you attract may seem to not accept you as you are. The real problem is your lack of self-acceptance, however. And this is the lesson you will face throughout life - to accept yourself.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Moon Square Venus   

You need affection very much, and you will go out of your way to get it. By being very friendly and charming, you make others like you, but if you do this too much, you will not develop a very strong character. You must learn that your merits and flaws exist independently of what others see in you. You are not the product of what other people see, but of your own inner energies.

On the other hand, part of you is really very loving, affectionate and kind. You can make the people around you feel very good. If you take the trouble to develop your inner character, people will like you for what you really are. You will also have to develop some self-discipline about giving in to all your desires for pleasure. You could damage your health by drinking and eating for pleasure without considering good nutrition.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier

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Moon Sextile Pluto   

Your feelings are very strong, and you are quite sensitive to other people's feelings as well. You get quite involved in your emotions, playing out dramas in your head in which you are the villain, the hero or whatever role you prefer. You love mysteries and may spend hours reading stories of mystery or the supernatural.

As you get older you will understand human nature better than most people, and even while you are young, your understanding is quite remarkable. But be careful how you use your knowledge of people, because you may tend to get others to do what you want through what you know about them.



Interpretation by Robert Hand from "Youth Portrait", which is also an interesting read for grown-ups.

Alternative interpretation by Robert Pelletier


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The free AstroClick horoscope is a simple reading which considers each factor independently from the other elements in the chart. It is there for your fun and entertainment. If you want to read a deeper and more synthesized interpretation of your personal horoscope, we recommend the "Psychological Horoscope" by Liz Greene. You can find this and other quality horoscope reports in our online shop.